Saturday, August 2, 2008

So ...

I have to admit that I haven't been the best at much this week - you guys know about the tech difficulties for ITVR, and while I sort of caught up for that on Thursday, I was kinda sick yesterday (new blood pressure meds, making me VERY tired, nauseous and woozy), and today I felt better but was out living life ... I didn't see Smackdown OR Saturday Night's Main Event. And I'm in now, pretty much for the first time since 9:30 this morning, but obviously not quite feeling up to writing a full-on blog at 1:30 am after 16 hours out and about.

What I will do however is this - tomorrow, I will read up on SD and SNME and give my thoughts based on what happened; freely admitting up-front it could have played differently from how I read it. I will of course also be online Monday after Raw with my feedback for the show. So please check back here tomorrow and Monday. And remember - despite the tech problems last week, you can always tune in on Wednesday to hear my and Ari's take on the week in wrestling on our podcast right here ... In This Very Ring.

Good weekend everyone!


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