Friday, July 11, 2008

Ashley Massaro

I just want to give a shout-out to Ashley Massaro today. I am NOT the woman's biggest fan by any means - very, very few of the Diva Search whor - I mean, girls - have really grown on me in any definitive way. Christy Hemme and MAYBE Maria Kanellis (from a comic genius standpoint) stand out to me as passable female wrestling characters with something to offer the industry. But Ashley asked for, and was granted, her WWE release this week due to the severe illness of her 7 year old child.

While some are skeptical that this is the only reason behind Ashley's desire to walk away - she was embroiled in an escort service scandal earlier in the year, and if it's to do with illness, why not just ask for a leave of absence as opposed to an all-out release? - and these factors probably do contribute to her lack of passion for working, at the same time I trust there is at least a grain of truth in the health issues of her child. As a prospective parent, I don't think any decent mum would lie about that. And as such - even if there is a whole list of supporting reasons for her decision to leave the WWE - I still would like to wish her and her daughter well during what is sure to be a difficult time for them as a family. My best wishes to both ladies Massaro.


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