Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tomorrow & Raw

Just a note to apologize for not being around this weekend with SD thoughts as I'd hoped to provide - I was out living life and it kinda got away from me! But tomorrow I will be back as usual with my thoughts on Raw post-game. As *for* SD - I didn't get to catch all or even most of it on Friday as we were out, but I get the sense it was very good; I'm glad they didn't end Edge and Vicki on the cheap & easy "he's a mac-daddy" copout, and it looks like some tumultous times ahead for wrestling's first couple. Also ... man, what? They gave SHELTON BENJAMIN a MICROPHONE? Wows ... times they ARE a changin'!

Anyway as I said, eventful weekend and I'm not improving today - I'm bushed. But hopefully tomorrow's Raw lives up to how interesting it's been in recent weeks, and perhaps even moves forward a bit - Shane McMahon is supposed to be on Raw live so that should be interesting to see. Hope everyone had as great a weekend as I and will see you on the flipside. Cheers!


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